clddc 44> ./Run.dhfr7_MPI Unit 5 Error on OPEN: gbin [0] MPI Abort by user Aborting program ! [0] Aborting program! p0_3504: p4_error: : 1 Unit 5 Error on OPEN: gbin [0] MPI Abort by user Aborting program ! [0] Aborting program! p0_3505: p4_error: : 1 Unit 5 Error on OPEN: gbin [0] MPI Abort by user Aborting program ! [0] Aborting program! p0_3506: p4_error: : 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- It seems that [at least] one of processes that was started with mpirun did not invoke MPI_INIT before quitting (it is possible that more than one process did not invoke MPI_INIT -- mpirun was only notified of the first one, which was on node n0). mpirun can *only* be used with MPI programs (i.e., programs that invoke MPI_INIT and MPI_FINALIZE). You can use the "lamexec" program to run non-MPI programs over the lambooted nodes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Killed diffing with mdout egrep: mdout: No such file or directory possible FAILURE: check mdout.dif