AMBER: saveamberprep in xLeap

From: Mi-Kyung Seo <>
Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2003 12:38:24 +0900

Hello amber users,

I build disacchride (two galactose) in xLeap and Unit contains two residues
when I use "desc" command.
I save it in prep format using saveamberprep command but it says the
following message.

>saveamberprep unit myunit.prep

  saving prep, residue UNK
  UNK: connect0 not defined
  UNK: connect1 not defined
  saving prep, residue UNK
  UNK: connect0 not defined
  UNK: connect1 not defined
  -- Remember to delete unwanted IMPROPER terms!

I tried to use "set unit.1 connet0 unit.1.XX" and "set unit.1 connect1
Which atoms do I need to use for XX/YY? any atoms in residue 1??
Do I need to use the above same command for residue2?

Thanks in advance.

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Received on Fri Aug 08 2003 - 04:53:00 PDT
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