AMBER: mpprun: exec of '/usr/local/bin/sander7.0' failed: Not enough space

From: <>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 19:17:00 -0400 (EDT)

Hi, dear friends,

I got this when I run a test run using sander7 on the CrayT3E at PSC using
16 processors:

mpprun: exec of '/usr/local/bin/sander7.0' failed: Not enough space

This was a batch job, all the files are copied and written to a big TMP
directory, so this should not be a problem of my disk space.

what does this mean and what can I do to solve this problem?


 Xiongce Zhao			Phone:412-624-9630
 1249 Benedum Hall		Fax:412-624-9639
 University of Pittsburgh
 Pittsburgh, PA 15261		Second
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