respected sir ,
Iam trying amber6 parallelisation using linux machines(red hat
7.3).i have used mpich-1.2.5.itried examples given in mpich and
some other programs they work fine.But when i tried amber ,program
i get a error.i have used machine.g77_mpich machine file in which
i added
setenv MPICH_HOME/home/mpi/mpich-1.2.5 where i have created a user
mpi from root.Also in
when i tried to run a test sander program i get these errors
/home/programs/amber6/test make test.sander .First few tests pass
sucessfully .Then i get the following error
I have no promblem in running in one machine(node0).Iam i making
mistake in my machine file i am not able to spot where iam i doing
error.sir can u please send ur machine file and help me out to
solve this promblem.thanking u in advance -goldsmith
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