On Fri, May 23, 2003, GUILLERMINA L ESTIU wrote:
> I am running simulations (amber 7) for a sistem of 2500 residuos (50000 after
> building the water box)
> I am trying to equilibrate the system. As a way of starting, I am heating only
> the solvent, but the water box is not kept "cubic"
You can use the "image" command in ptraj to map your atoms back to a unit
cell (no need to re-run the trajectory).
> molecular dynamics run
> &cntrl
> imin=0, irest=1,
> ntx=5, ntr=1,
> lastist=9000000,
> lastrst=12000000,
> tempi= 300.,
> ntt=1, temp0=300.0, tautp=0.5,
> ig=71277, heat=0.0,
> ntb=1, ntc=2, tol= 0.00001, ntf=2,
> scee=1.2, dt=0.0005,
^^^^^^^^^ this is too short, use something like 0.001
> cut=9.0, nsnb=25,
^^^^^^^ the default of 8.0 should be fine, and will save time
nsnb is not necessary (but shouldn't hurt....)
> nstlim=100000,
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this is pretty long for a single equlibration run; if
you are new to Amber, run shorter jobs and check the outputs
> vlimit= 20
> ntwe=50, ntwx=50, ntpr=10, ntwr=100,
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ these all seem very small for
equilibration; be sure you have lots of disk
space if you plan to save such a big system
every 25 fs!
> &end
> Group input for restrained atoms
> 10000.0
^^^^^^^ this is way to big! Try a value of 10. instead
> RES 1 2479
...good luck....dac
David A. Case | e-mail: case.scripps.edu
Dept. of Molecular Biology, TPC15 | fax: +1-858-784-8896
The Scripps Research Institute | phone: +1-858-784-9768
10550 N. Torrey Pines Rd. | home page:
La Jolla CA 92037 USA | http://www.scripps.edu/case
Received on Sat May 24 2003 - 00:53:01 PDT