Re: saveAmberParm problems in xleap

From: Wayne Dawson <>
Date: Thu, 8 May 2003 18:02:45 +0900

Just to follow up....
David Case wrote in regard to my leap.log file:

> You have *lots* of errors when you load your pdb file. It may in
> fact be that LEaP gets confused with all of the "remove" commands,
> and/or that some of these commands are not really correct.
> What you should do is edit the input pdb file to make things
> correct: get the residues you want in there, either remove hydrogens
> or use protonate to re-name them to IUPAC standards, etc.

It seems you were right.

With Insight generated PDB files: For EACH residue, the hydrogens are
placed at the end of the list of atoms (before the next N). So I found
it easiest to simply remove them. You also have to remove the "cap"
(OH) at the C terminus. As someone else suggested, it should be loaded
it using "loadPdbUsingSeq"

> PrtnSeq = { NXXX1 ... ... CXXXn }
> Prtn = loadPdbUsingSeq Prtn.pdf PrtnSeq

The InsightII default for HIS is HIE it seems. I was able to get it
through that step without any problems after I modified the PDB file.

Received on Thu May 08 2003 - 10:53:02 PDT
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