I guess you could follow the loadpdbusingseq example in amber7
manual and define your sequence with leap syntax in a file, then
load this file with -f switch when you start leap. Is this what you
want to do?
On Tue, 11 Mar 2003, Ioana Cozmuta wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a short question: is it possible to load in leap a sequence from a
> file (so not to define the sequence in leap but tell the program to
> load the PDB file using loadPdbUsingSeq and the sequence from an external
> file say sequence.dat?
> Thank you,
> Ioana
> ****************************************************************************
> * Ioana Cozmuta, PhD * *
> * NASA-AMES Research Center * "Gravitation can not be held responsible*
> * Mail Stop 230-3 * for people falling in love" *
> * Moffet Field,CA 94035 * *
> * phone: (650) 604-0993 * Albert Einstein*
> * fax: (650) 604-0350 * (1879-1955) *
> ****************************************************************************
Guanglei Cui
Dept. of Chemistry
SUNY at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11790
Received on Wed Mar 12 2003 - 05:53:01 PST