---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2003 11:12:08 -0800
From: David A. Case <case.scripps.edu>
Reply-To: amber.heimdal.compchem.ucsf.edu
To: amber.heimdal.compchem.ucsf.edu
Subject: amber installation problems
On Wed, Mar 05, 2003, amber.heimdal.compchem.ucsf.edu wrote:
> I just have gotten the amber
> package and I followed all the instructions to install amber but I have
> a problem when i try to test the leap program with the comand make
> test.leap. I got the message: ../../exe/teleap does not exist I went
> to see if there was the executable program for leap program and there is
> not an executable program for tleap, I wonder where I can get it or what
> I can do. Any information about it will be very much appreciated.
Sounds like the installation did not go properly. You should look at
the error messages you got when you installed the system (or try again, and
look carefully at what is written to the screen.
If LEaP is installed correctly, there should be a file
$AMBERHOME/exe/teLeap (among many other executable files).
If you can't figure it out, send some more information.
David A. Case | e-mail: case.scripps.edu
Dept. of Molecular Biology, TPC15 | fax: +1-858-784-8896
The Scripps Research Institute | phone: +1-858-784-9768
10550 N. Torrey Pines Rd. | home page:
La Jolla CA 92037 USA | http://www.scripps.edu/case
Received on Fri Mar 07 2003 - 17:53:02 PST