AMBER mail reflector archive

From: Jarrod Smith <>
Date: Mon 10 Feb 2003 14:37:09 -0600 (CST)

The AMBER archive has been cleaned of most spam and other spurious
messages (i.e. erroneous sub/unsubscription requests) and put back in its
place. New messages will now be archived as before.

To my knowledge there were no missed messages during the time the archive
was down. I was saving every message that crossed the list.

In addition to the above, there were many messages added from users who
had come forward with old mbox files from years previous to the archive's
inception. Thanks go to them - I apologize but their names escape me at
the moment.

The new archives are indexed by year and month. The list gets over 200
messages on a typicaly month now so I thought people should have the
option to look at smaller chunks if they wish.

Please tell me if you discover any problems:

Jarrod A. Smith, Ph.D.
Asst. Director, Center for Structural Biology
Research Asst. Professor, Biochemistry
Vanderbilt University
Received on Mon Feb 10 2003 - 12:37:09 PST
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