ES40 hangs amber7 jobs.

From: Sanjeev B.S. <>
Date: Fri 30 Aug 2002 08:39:13 +0530 (IST)

        We are trying to use ES40s for amber7. When I run a simulation,
after a short while it hangs. Processes are running for enternity, and no
o/p is written whatsoever. No other processes are running that could be
hindering. OS was freashly installed and latest patches were applied. I
face similar problems with IBM SP3 also, but I am not very sure of the
reason as someother jobs which require lots of space and memory run
togther. I am baffled with this ES40 behavior. We have access to ES40s
only for certain amount of time, so I would be grateful if anyone can
suggest me a way out.
Thanks very much,
Received on Thu Aug 29 2002 - 20:09:13 PDT
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