On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 11:36:51AM -0700, Holger Gohlke wrote:
> If you want to post-process a whole trajectory, you might want to have a
> look at the IMIN=5 option for sander. I have never used this, so others
> might know more.
This looks very interesting to me! Can somebody explain what this
imin=5 option exactly does? I just quickly browsed through the manual,
but nothing seems to be mentioned there (except "imin=5 ... read in a
trajectory for analysis").
Dr. Michael Jakusch
ETH - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Department of Applied Biosciences
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zürich
Phone: +41.1.635 60 71
Fax: +41.1.635 68 84
email: michael.jakusch_at_pharma.anbi.ethz.ch
Received on Thu Aug 29 2002 - 00:36:57 PDT