Re: trajectory file limit???

From: David A. Case <>
Date: Thu 15 Aug 2002 10:26:34 -0700

On Thu, Aug 15, 2002, Vlad Cojocaru wrote:

> Is there a limit of the output trajectory file from an MD run using
> sander. I ran an MD and I got the error message that the program was
> terminated because the crd output file was too large?? If yes would you
> please tell me that threshold?

There is no limit in sander; I have created files of hundreds of megabytes.
This sounds like some limit in your OS, or your shell, or your queuing


David A. Case                     |  e-mail:
Dept. of Molecular Biology, TPC15 |  fax:          +1-858-784-8896
The Scripps Research Institute    |  phone:        +1-858-784-9768
10550 N. Torrey Pines Rd.         |  home page:                   
La Jolla CA 92037  USA            |
Received on Thu Aug 15 2002 - 10:26:34 PDT
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