I tried to run the mpi version of sander on a linux machine compiled with
the portland group compilers, and it runs fine unless I impose distance
restraints throught the nmropt=1 option. If I do that, I get a
segmentation fault before any steps are evaluated. As soon as I set
nmropt=0 in the input file, the program works fine.
Using the same version of sander compiled on an SGI or on linux using g77,
it works fine, so it seems that the configuration files are fine. Has
anybody had such problems?
PS: Here's the input file md.in
# # input file for SANDER
timlim = 999999.,
imin = 0,
nmropt = 1,
ntx = 7,
irest = 1,
ntrx = 1,
ntxo = 1,
ntpr = 100,
ntwr = 100,
iwrap = 0,
ntwx = 200,
ntwv = 2000,
ntwe = 1000,
ioutfm = 0,
ntwprt = 0,
ntf = 1,
ntb = 1,
dielc = 1.0,
igb = 0,
cut = 10.0,
nsnb = 10,
scnb = 2.0,
scee = 1.2,
ipol = 0,
n3b = 0,
nion = 0,
ibelly = 0,
ntr = 0,
maxcyc = 2000,
ncyc = 10,
ntmin = 1,
dx0 = 0.01,
dxm = 0.5,
drms = 0.0001,
nstlim = 1000,
ndfmin = 6,
ntcm = 1,
nscm = 0,
t = 0.0,
dt = 0.002,
temp0 = 300.0,
tempi = 300.0,
ig = 71277,
heat = 0.0,
ntt = 1,
dtemp = 0.0,
tautp = 0.5,
vlimit = 0.0,
ntp = 0,
pres0 = 1.0,
comp = 44.6,
taup = 1.0,
npscal = 1,
ntc = 2,
tol = 0.0005,
jfastw = 0,
ivcap = 0,
matcap = 0,
fcap = 0.0,
nfft1 = 8,
nfft2 = 8,
nfft3 = 8,
order = 4,
ischrgd = 0,
verbose = 0,
ew_type = 0,
dsum_tol = 0.000001,
netfrc = 1,
IAT(1) = 362,
IAT(2) = 423,
IAT(3) = 0,
IAT(4) = 0,
NSTEP1 = 0,
NSTEP2 = 0,
IALTD = 0,
R1 = 0.,
R2 = 43,
R3 = 43,
R4 = 1.e30,
RK2 = 20.,
RK3 = 20.,
Stefan Andreev
12 Oxford Street
Department of Chemistry, Box 102
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138
Office Tel: (617) 495-8859
Office Fax: (617) 384-7920
e-mail: sandreev_at_fas.harvard.edu
Received on Wed Aug 14 2002 - 15:13:26 PDT