I have two questions:
I found in the manual of AMBER 7 about ANTECHAMBER this sentence (page
Hence, it is generally expected that you will use one of the Amber force
fields to describe
your protein or nucleic acid, and the gaff.dat parameters to describe
your ligand; as mentioned
above, gaff.dat has been designed with this in mind, i.e. to produce
molecular mechanics descrip-tions
that are generally compatible with the Amber macromolecular force
In GAFF (general amber force field) the carbon radius is 1.7 A and in
parm99 is 1.9080 A (and 1.5 and ~1.7 for oxygen radius)
I don't think it is coherent to use two different force fields in the
same system receptor-ligand?
Any suggestions?
Why in GAFF, the hydrogen radius of TIP3P model is 1.2 and not 0 as in
RADIUS HW 1.2 (from GAFF)
HW 0.0000 (from pam99)
Dr. Pascal Bonnet
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences,
University of Manchester, Oxford Road,
Manchester, M13 9PL, U.K
Tel:(+44) (0)161 275 2431
Received on Wed Jul 24 2002 - 06:11:36 PDT