Questions about xleap and mm_pbsa]

From: Salinthip Thipayang <>
Date: Fri 19 Jul 2002 18:49:08 +0100

> Dear amber users,
> I am trying to change an amino acid residue in the active site of a protein
> and calculate the binding free energies using MM-PBSA in amber 6. I have run
> minimization, heating and equilibrium MD using SANDER with PME and waterbox
> 216. The mdcrd file was used in the MM-PBSA run for the native protein.
> The next step is to modify GLU in the active site to GLN and then compare the
> binding free energies.
> I am thinking of the following approaches.
> 1) Create the PDB file from the restart file obtained from the MD run using
> 2) in XLEAP, loadpdb and then change the GLU264 to GLN 264
> 3) run belly MD first only allow the GLN264 to move and fix other residues and
> water and then run another belly MD allowing all the residues to move except
> the ligand so that the ligand can find the optimal structure with all the
> residues.
> 4) then run full MD for the whole system.
> However, in the 2nd step in XLEAP I encountered this problem of XLEAP deleting
> some of the water molecule when i replace GLU with GLN. GLN has more atoms
> that GLU and so when replace GLU with GLN there are some overlap atom numbers
> in the PDB file.
> XLEAP gives the following message
> > mutant2 = loadpdb "./mutantGLN_b4_xleap2.pdb"
> Loading PDB file: ./mutantGLN_b4_xleap2.pdb
> -- residue 10240: duplicate H1 atoms (total 10)
> -- residue 10240: duplicate H2 atoms (total 10)
> -- residue 10240: duplicate O atoms (total 10)
> -- residue 10496: duplicate H1 atoms (total 10)
> -- residue 10496: duplicate H2 atoms (total 10)
> -- residue 10496: duplicate O atoms (total 10)
> -- residue 10752: duplicate H1 atoms (total 10)
> -- residue 10752: duplicate H2 atoms (total 10)
> -- residue 10752: duplicate O atoms (total 10)
> -- residue 11008: duplicate H1 atoms (total 10)
> -- residue 11008: duplicate H2 atoms (total 10)
> -- residue 11008: duplicate O atoms (total 10)
> -- residue 11264: duplicate H1 atoms (total 10)
> -- residue 11264: duplicate H2 atoms (total 10)
> and so on...
> (same-name atoms are reduced to a single atom)
> total atoms in file: 96182
> Is there any way to modify the PDB file without ruin all the atom numbers and
> prevent water molecules getting deleted?
> I understand that there is Alanine-Glysine scaning option in MM-PBSA that i
> could use and would preventing me from having to do all the above 3 steps but
> this is only to change from CH3 to H not -OH to -NH2 as i would like to do
> with GLU to GLN. Is this a reasonable approach? Is there any other way of
> doing the mutation? Any comments and suggestions will be very appreciated.
> Thank you very much.
> Sally
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Salinthip Thipayang (Miss)
> PhD Research Student
> Biological and Biophysical Chemistry Research Group
> Chemistry Department
> Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
> Exhibition Road
> London SW7 2AY
> The United Kingdom
> Tel: +44(0)207 5945851
> Fax: +44(0)207 5945845
> Email:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Received on Fri Jul 19 2002 - 10:49:08 PDT
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