Le Mercredi 10 Juillet 2002 17:28, Stéphane Teletchéa a écrit :
> i used formerly this type of input to image my trajectories :
> --- ptraj.in ---
> trajin my_snapshot
> trajout my_snpshot_out restart
> image center :1-24
> go
> --- ---
> called with ptraj prmtop ptraj.in
> But this doesn't work for my snapshot.
> i'm not sure wether i can send the prmtop and the incriminated crd file, so
> i post it like this.
> Is there any mistake in the proceeding ?
> Is there any other way to do (better way to ...) ?
> Stef
I tried to put the image command before image, but this doesn't help !
Received on Thu Jul 11 2002 - 01:24:48 PDT