On Sat, 6 Jul 2002, David A. Case wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 05, 2002, Prabal Maiti wrote:
> > I was trying to get the energy for each of the residue in a 10-mer B-DNA.
> > I used 20A cutoff.
> Please try with no cutoff.
I tried to use a cutoff distance 999 assuming that is big enough to have
all non-bond pairs with no cutoff ( I guess thats what you also mean by no
cutoff). Still the same problem.
> Also, what are your groups? You seem to have 21 of them, which seems odd;
> is there any chance you have some atoms that are in more than one group?
> The groups have wildly different energies, which suggests that maybe the
> problem is in that direction.
In the system I have 10-mer DNA (20 bases), Na+ and water (all together
11638 atoms). So I have defined 20 bases as 20 groups and I guess rest of
the system is treated as one more group. Thats why we see 21 groups. I
have verified this by explicitly definfing the 21 st groups with the atoms
belonging to Na+ and water.
> ..good luck...dac
Prabal K Maiti
Beckman Institute (139-74)
California Institute of Technology Tel:626-395-8151 (O)
400 South Wilson Avenue :626-744-1363 (H)
Pasadena, CA 91125 Fax:626-585-0918
Home add: 110 S. Michigan Ave. Apt # 19, Pasadena, CA 91106
Received on Sun Jul 07 2002 - 22:46:31 PDT