Re: mopac

From: Pascal Bonnet <>
Date: Fri 28 Jun 2002 09:49:11 +0100


> >
> > I have tried changing path to our tripos and Accelrys mopac dirs with no
> > affect (fails antechamber test).
> I can't tell much for this description (just "fails the test" is not very
> helpful). Many mopac's that I have tried perform poorly, but one assumes that
> Tripos or Accelrys are providing good versions, and (if they have compatible
> inputs) it should certainly possible to use them.

I tried to use MOPAC from SYBYL but it didn't finish correctly. Finally,
I downloaded a free version from: after filling the "site license
agreement". Now, it finish correctly....


 Dr. Pascal Bonnet
 School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences,
 University of Manchester, Oxford Road,
 Manchester, M13 9PL, U.K
 Tel:(+44) (0)161 275 2431
Received on Fri Jun 28 2002 - 01:49:11 PDT
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