Hi, Dear all,
I got the following message when running gibbs.
Note: Constrained bond ( 8493- 8494) is part of a ring
Note: Constrained bond ( 8493- 8504) is part of a ring
Note: Constrained bond ( 8486- 8490) is part of a ring
Note: Constrained bond ( 8482- 8486) is part of a ring
Note: Constrained bond ( 8478- 8482) is part of a ring
Note: Constrained bond ( 8477- 8490) is part of a ring
Note: Constrained bond ( 8475- 8477) is part of a ring
Note: Constrained bond ( 8475- 8478) is part of a ring
Number of triangulated 3-point waters found: 14516
Solute/solvent pointers:
IPTSOL= 530 NATRCM= 8515
IPTRES= 530 IPTATM= 8515
NSOLUT= 8515 NATOM =52063 | Total accumulated time: 23.14 (seconds)
/ 0.01 (hours)
%GIBBS-I-NEWRUN, Begining NRUN = 1
ERROR from RESNBA: Number of non-bonded pairs exceeds the maximum
allowable ( 35881958). Increase integer storage.
I am not sure whethere it relates to machinedep.f file, and how to solve
Received on Tue Feb 19 2002 - 17:39:21 PST