froce field parameters

From: Christian Pilger <>
Date: Fri 22 Dec 2000 18:31:16 +0100

Dear colleagues,

in my current project I have been working with AMBER 6.0. I try to
calculate the energies of binding of different orientations of a small
moelcule within a protein. Though AMBER contains a lot of parameters for
non-protein atoms, the variety of my small molecule is not entirely
covered. As I don't have enough experience to parameterize the missing
bonds, angles, and dihedrals on my own, I was thinking of taking these
from the MMFF94.

I could imagine two ways:

1. to borrow only those parameters for the small molecule, that are
   missing within AMBER, applying some scaling to the force constants

2. to use the MMFF94-parameters for the entire small molecule without any
   scaling, while treating the protein with the AMBER parameters

Concerning the electrostatics I intend to stay with the AMBER philosophy,
employing the RESP methodology.

At the initial stage, I'm just interested in calcualting relative
energies, i.e. rank different conformations/orientations of the same
inhibitor with a given protein conformation.

Do you think, such a strategy would be reasonable ?

Any comments are welcome.

Merry X-mas & guten Rutsch,



 Dr. Christian Pilger

    Istituto di Strutturistica Chimica "Giordano Giacomello"
    C.N.R. - Sezione di Trieste
    Area Science Park - Basovizza
    Strada Statale 14 - Km. 163.5
    I-34012 Trieste/Italy

   Tel.: +39+040+226881
   Fax : +39+040+9221126
Received on Fri Dec 22 2000 - 09:31:16 PST
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