Dear Amber users,
I just began to learn how to use Amber 6. I want to Use ptraj Cut
down a cubic box to a truncated octahedral shape. So, I type following
command lines according to manual:
1)ptraj spepcubetop.wat
PTRAJ: Processing input file...
Input is from standard input
2)trajin spepcubecrd.wat
PTRAJ: trajin spepcubecrd.wat
3)trajout spepoctcrd.wat
PTRAJ: trajout spepoctcrd.wat
4)truncoct :1-15 10.0 prmtop spepocttop.wat
PTRAJ: truncoct :1-15 10.0 prmtop spepocttop.wat
Mask [:1-15] represents 229 atoms
According to the output, I cannot know if these commands are run
correctly? Furthermore, I do not know how to exit ptraj (q or quit?) and I
found that output file did not produced. Would anyone give me a hand? Thanks in
Zhiyong Zhang, Ph.D student of Professor Yunyu Shi,
Laboratory of Structural Biology,
School of Life Science,
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC),
Hefei, Anhui 230027,
P.R. China.
Tel: +86-551-3603754 or +86-551-3630875
Fax: +86-551-3603754
Received on Mon Dec 18 2000 - 19:59:14 PST