From: Grzegorz Jezierski <gj_at_mol.uj.edu.pl>
Date: Mon 18 Dec 2000 16:53:12 +0100

Dear AMBER users,

I had performed 20 ps-MD of a 78000 atom system.
I used PBC, no pressure control, and PME.
Then, I have restarted the calculation, and got (after 1 MD iteration) a
message, like:
  "Ewald bomb in subroutine 'ewald_list'
   volume of ucell too big"
At the first sight, the solute structure (protein) seems OK, but several water
molecules 'flew out' of the box.
I attach the output file from the last - unfinished - run ('dyn.out') as well as
the beginning and the end of the previous run ('dyn0.out').
Thank you for any help.


Grzegorz Jezierski
Biophysics Department
Institute of Molecular Biology
Jagiellonian University
al. Mickiewicza 3, 31-120 Krakow
ph.:(48 12)6341305 ext.291
e-mail: gj_at_mol.uj.edu.pl
          Amber 6  SANDER                   Scripps/UCSF 1999
|         Sat Dec  9 15:51:15 2000
  [-O]verwriting output
File Assignments:
|MDIN : /disk2/usr/people/ubjezier/tmp/dyn0_api_dimer_wat.inp                 
|MDOUT: /disk2/usr/people/ubjezier/tmp/dyn1_api_dimer_wat.out                 
|INPCR: /disk2/usr/people/ubjezier/SANDER/DIMER/RST/minm_api_dimer_wat.crd    
|PARM : /disk2/usr/people/ubjezier/SANDER/DIMER/minm_api_dimer_wat.top        
|RESTR: /disk2/usr/people/ubjezier/tmp/dyn0_api_dimer_wat.rst                 
|REFC : refc                                                                  
|MDVEL: /scratch/ubjezier/SANDER/DIMER/dyn0_api_dimer_wat.vel                 
|MDEN : /scratch/ubjezier/SANDER/DIMER/dyn0_api_dimer_wat.ene                 
|MDCRD: /scratch/ubjezier/SANDER/DIMER/dyn0_api_dimer_wat.xyz                 
|MDINF: mdinfo                                                                
 Here is the input file:
#  AMBER6 - Sander                                                             
#  test                                                                        
 timlim=999999., imin=0, nmropt=1,                                             
 ntx=1, irest=0,                                                               
 ntwx=50, ntwv=50, ntwe=50,                                                    
 ntf=2, ntb=2,                                                                 
 cut=12., nsnb=20, scnb=2.0, scee=1.2,                                         
 dt=0.002, nstlim=10000,                                                       
 ndfmin=6, ntcm=1,                                                             
 ntt=1, tautp=0.4, vlimit=10.,                                                 
 ntc=2, tol=0.0005,                                                            
a=86., b=99., c=101.,                                                          
alpha=90., beta=90., gamma=90.,                                                
nfft1=90, nfft2=100, nfft3=100,                                                
order=5, ischrgd=0, verbose=3, ew_type=0,                                      
#   10.0 K --> 310 K                                                           
 &wt type='TEMP0', istep1=    1, istep2=10000,                                 
 value1= 10.0, value2= 305.0, &end                                             
 &wt type='END'  &end                                                          
#  AMBER6 - Sander                                                              
   1.  RESOURCE   USE: 
 getting box info from bottom of parm
 getting new box info from bottom of inpcrd
| peek_ewald_inpcrd: Box info found
| Using the SGI specific (ZFFT3D) Fast Fourier Transform
     Largest sphere to fit in unit cell has radius =    43.000
     Calculating ew_coeff from dsum_tol,cutoff
     Box X =   86.000   Box Y =   99.000   Box Z =  101.000
     Alpha =   90.000   Beta =   90.000   Gamma =   90.000
     NFFT1 =   90       NFFT2 =  100       NFFT3 =  100
     Cutoff=   12.000   Tol   =0.100E-04
     Ewald Coefficient =  0.22664
     Interpolation order =    5
 NATOM  =   77998 NTYPES =      16 NBONH =   72038 MBONA  =    6086
 NTHETH =   13804 MTHETA =    8226 NPHIH =   24722 MPHIA  =   14500
 NHPARM =       0 NPARM  =       0 NNB   =  154598 NRES   =   22752
 NBONA  =    6086 NTHETA =    8226 NPHIA =   14500 NUMBND =      44
 NUMANG =      94 NPTRA  =      33 NATYP =      30 NPHB   =       1
 IFBOX  =       1 NMXRS  =      24 IFCAP =       0
|    Total heap storage needed        =        976
|    Adjacent nonbond minimum mask    =     154598
|    Max number of pointers           =         25
|    List build maxmask               =     309196
     Number of grids per unit cell in each dimension:
            19        22        23
     Unit cell edge lengths in each dimension:
        86.000    99.000   101.000
     Distance between parallel faces of unit cell:
        86.000    99.000   101.000
     Distance between faces of short range grid subcells:
         4.526     4.500     4.391
     Resulting cutoff from subcell neighborhoods is    13.174
|    Maximage  =     114120
|      Real memory needed by PME        =        976
|      Size of EEDTABLE                 =      20397
|      Real memory needed by EEDTABLE   =      81588
|      Integer memory needed by ADJ     =     309196
|      Integer memory used by local nonb=    2358346
|      Real memory used by local nonb   =    1278336
|    MAX NONBOND PAIRS =   40000000
|     Memory Use     Allocated         Used
|     Real             4500000      4403612
|     Hollerith         500000       490742
|     Integer          4500000      4246637
|     Max Nonbonded Pairs:40000000
     TIMLIM=  999999.   IREST =    0       IBELLY=    0
     IMIN  =    0
     IPOL  =    0
     NTX   =    1       NTXO  =    1
     IG    =    71277   TEMPI =     0.00   HEAT  =    0.000
     NTB   =    2       BOXX  =   86.000
     BOXY  =   99.000   BOXZ  =  101.000
     NTT   =    1       TEMP0 =  300.000
     DTEMP =    0.000   TAUTP =    0.400
     VLIMIT=   10.000
     NTP   =    1       PRES0 =    1.000   COMP  =   44.600
     TAUP  =    0.200   NPSCAL=    0
     NTCM  =    1       NSCM  = 9999999
     NSTLIM=10000       NTU   =    1
     T     =    0.000   DT    =   0.00200
     NTC   =    2       TOL   =   0.00050  JFASTW =    0
     NTF   =    2       NSNB  =   20
     CUT   =   12.000   SCNB  =    2.000
     SCEE  =    1.200   DIELC =    1.000
     NTPR  =      50    NTWR  =      50    NTWX  =      50
     NTWV  =      50    NTWE  =      50    IOUTFM=       0
     NTWPRT=       0    NTWPR0=       0    NTAVE=       0
     NTR   =    0       NTRX  =    1
     TAUR  =   0.00000     NMROPT=    1       PENCUT=   0.10000
     IVCAP =    0       MATCAP=    0       FCAP  =    1.500
     IFCAP =    0       NATCAP=    0       CUTCAP=    0.000
     XCAP  =    0.000   YCAP  =    0.000   ZCAP  =    0.000
     VRAND=    0
     NATOM =   77998  NRES =  22752
     Water definition for fast triangulated model:
     Resname = WAT ; Oxygen_name = O   ; Hyd1_name = H1  ; Hyd2_name = H2  
 begin time read from input coords =     0.000 ps
           Begin reading energy term weight changes/NMR restraints
 TEMP0         1  10000   10.000000  305.000000      0      0
  No valid redirection requests found
                          ** No restraint defined **
                  Done reading weight changes/NMR restraints
 Number of triangulated 3-point waters found:    22002
     Sum of charges from parm topology file =   3.99999966
     Forcing neutrality...
 using   5000.0 points per unit in tabled values
 TESTING RELATIVE ERROR over r ranging from 0.0 to cutoff
| CHECK switch(x): max rel err =   0.2088E-14   at   2.598900
| CHECK d/dx switch(x): max rel err =   0.7404E-11   at   2.716040
     Total number of mask terms =     131962
     Total number of mask terms =     263924
|    Total Ewald setup time =   0.28641510
     Number of grids per unit cell in each dimension:
            19        22        23
     Unit cell edge lengths in each dimension:
        86.000    99.000   101.000
     Distance between parallel faces of unit cell:
        86.000    99.000   101.000
     Distance between faces of short range grid subcells:
         4.526     4.500     4.391
     Resulting cutoff from subcell neighborhoods is    13.174
 listtot =     32545676
 NET FORCE PER ATOM:    0.1745E-06   0.1165E-05  -0.3693E-06
     Evdw                   =  249622.275828485520
     Ehbond                 =       0.000000000000
     Ecoulomb               = -279004.847800189980
     E polarization         =       0.000000000000
     Iso virial             = ********************
     Eevir vs. Ecoulomb     =       0.000226418806
     E electrostatic (self) = ********************
                     (rec)  =    2948.078622037556
                     (dir)  = -232908.713641980690
                     (adj)  =  982012.345154466220
     MOLECULAR VIRIAL:  -.15991891E+07 -.84128658E+06 -.79115253E+06
     MOLECULAR VIRIAL:  -.87885154E+06 -.65542372E+06 -.45359789E+06
     MOLECULAR VIRIAL:  -.86684555E+06 -.47966465E+06 -.46652715E+06
     Reciprocal VIRIAL:  0.10458615E+04 0.43218637E+02 0.15243193E+02
     Reciprocal VIRIAL:  0.43218637E+02 0.92502470E+03 -.14737839E+02
     Reciprocal VIRIAL:  0.15243193E+02 -.14737839E+02 0.10064738E+04
     Direct VIRIAL:  -.17123143E+07 -.82312606E+06 -.82920293E+06
     Direct VIRIAL:  -.82312606E+06 -.85195194E+06 -.47910345E+06
     Direct VIRIAL:  -.82920293E+06 -.47910345E+06 -.67339549E+06
     Dir Sum EE vir trace: 0.28152711E+06
     Adjust VIRIAL:  -.19827198E+04 0.38186547E+03 0.10133467E+03
     Adjust VIRIAL:  0.38186547E+03 -.18813770E+04 -.20141948E+03
     Adjust VIRIAL:  0.10133467E+03 -.20141948E+03 -.16986997E+04
     Recip Disp. VIRIAL:  0.14223011E+04 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
     Recip Disp. VIRIAL:  0.00000000E+00 0.14223011E+04 0.00000000E+00
     Recip Disp. VIRIAL:  0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.14223011E+04
     Self VIRIAL:  0.59405747E-25 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
     Self VIRIAL:  0.00000000E+00 0.59405747E-25 0.00000000E+00
     Self VIRIAL:  0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.59405747E-25
     Atomic VIRIAL:  -.17118289E+07 -.82270098E+06 -.82908636E+06
     Atomic VIRIAL:  -.82270098E+06 -.85148599E+06 -.47931961E+06
     Atomic VIRIAL:  -.82908636E+06 -.47931961E+06 -.67266541E+06
 NSTEP =     0  TIME(PS) =    0.000  TEMP(K) =     0.00  PRESS =  73280.43
 Etot   =   20918.7617  EKtot   =       0.0000  EPtot      =   20918.7617
 BOND   =     112.9273  ANGLE   =    1986.6669  DIHED      =    3968.4008
 1-4 NB =    3815.9359  1-4 EEL =   40417.4028  VDWAALS    =  249622.2758
 EELEC  = -279004.8478  EHBOND  =       0.0000  CONSTRAINT =       0.0000
 EKCMT  =       0.0000  VIRIAL  = ************  VOLUME     =  859914.0000
                                                Density    =       0.9286
 Ewald error estimate:   0.2264E-03
 NET FORCE PER ATOM:   -0.4179E-08   0.1186E-06  -0.8845E-08
     Evdw                   =   24398.357846871088
     Ehbond                 =       0.000000000000
     Ecoulomb               = -311493.139739089650
     E polarization         =       0.000000000000
     Iso virial             =   38923.537173065808
     Eevir vs. Ecoulomb     =       0.000028706460
     E electrostatic (self) = ********************
                     (rec)  =     667.214256473720
                     (dir)  = -263481.109116094830
                     (adj)  =  982377.313055244510
     MOLECULAR VIRIAL:  0.15747770E+05 0.17181862E+04 -.64926791E+03
     MOLECULAR VIRIAL:  0.45996152E+03 0.99149857E+04 0.64887376E+03
     MOLECULAR VIRIAL:  -.54430429E+03 0.16313089E+04 0.13260782E+05
     Reciprocal VIRIAL:  0.45272556E+03 0.42370899E+01 0.95089479E+01
     Reciprocal VIRIAL:  0.42370899E+01 0.45829689E+03 0.27455895E+02
     Reciprocal VIRIAL:  0.95089479E+01 0.27455895E+02 0.43434164E+03
     Direct VIRIAL:  -.18164333E+06 0.35636644E+02 0.47435828E+03
     Direct VIRIAL:  0.35636644E+02 -.18449087E+06 -.95989153E+03
     Direct VIRIAL:  0.47435828E+03 -.95989153E+03 -.18368996E+06
     Dir Sum EE vir trace: 0.31521993E+06
     Adjust VIRIAL:  -.15898210E+04 0.92376608E-01 -.55786866E+01
     Adjust VIRIAL:  0.92376608E-01 -.19355756E+04 -.34722539E+03
     Adjust VIRIAL:  -.55786866E+01 -.34722539E+03 -.15556972E+04
     Recip Disp. VIRIAL:  0.15787561E+04 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
     Recip Disp. VIRIAL:  0.00000000E+00 0.15787561E+04 0.00000000E+00
     Recip Disp. VIRIAL:  0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.15787561E+04
     Self VIRIAL:  0.65940459E-25 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
     Self VIRIAL:  0.00000000E+00 0.65940459E-25 0.00000000E+00
     Self VIRIAL:  0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.65940459E-25
     Atomic VIRIAL:  -.18120167E+06 0.39966110E+02 0.47828854E+03
     Atomic VIRIAL:  0.39966110E+02 -.18438940E+06 -.12796610E+04
     Atomic VIRIAL:  0.47828854E+03 -.12796610E+04 -.18323256E+06
 NSTEP = 10000  TIME(PS) =   20.000  TEMP(K) =   287.47  PRESS =     -8.44
 Etot   = -188248.6089  EKtot   =   46259.1091  EPtot      = -234507.7180
 BOND   =    1695.5459  ANGLE   =    5287.5941  DIHED      =    4794.2389
 1-4 NB =    2724.7992  1-4 EEL =   38084.8859  VDWAALS    =   24398.3578
 EELEC  = -311493.1397  EHBOND  =       0.0000  CONSTRAINT =       0.0000
 EKCMT  =   19320.6430  VIRIAL  =   19461.7686  VOLUME     =  774696.3573
                                                Density    =       1.0308
 Ewald error estimate:   0.2871E-04
                      NMR restraints for step  10000
 Energy (this step): Bond =    0.000   Angle =     0.000   Torsion =     0.000
 Energy (tot. run) : Bond =    0.000   Angle =     0.000   Torsion =     0.000
 DEVIATIONS:    Target=(r2+r3)/2                 Target = closer of r2/r3
            This step         Entire run        This step        Entire run
           ave.    rms       ave.    rms       ave.    rms      ave.     rms
 Bond      0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000
 Angle     0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000
 Torsion   0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000
      A V E R A G E S   O V E R 10000 S T E P S
 NSTEP = 10000  TIME(PS) =   20.000  TEMP(K) =   170.23  PRESS =    -22.24
 Etot   = -236033.1404  EKtot   =   27392.5047  EPtot      = -263425.6451
 BOND   =     850.9281  ANGLE   =    3157.0757  DIHED      =    4321.7240
 1-4 NB =    2571.2036  1-4 EEL =   38244.9493  VDWAALS    =   35844.1576
 EELEC  = -348415.6834  EHBOND  =       0.0000  CONSTRAINT =       0.0000
 EKCMT  =   12783.8401  VIRIAL  =   13179.4203  VOLUME     =  786509.2014
                                                Density    =       1.0185
 Ewald error estimate:   0.6685E-04
                      NMR restraints for step  10000
 Energy (this step): Bond =    0.000   Angle =     0.000   Torsion =     0.000
 Energy (tot. run) : Bond =    0.000   Angle =     0.000   Torsion =     0.000
 DEVIATIONS:    Target=(r2+r3)/2                 Target = closer of r2/r3
            This step         Entire run        This step        Entire run
           ave.    rms       ave.    rms       ave.    rms      ave.     rms
 Bond      0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000
 Angle     0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000
 Torsion   0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000
      R M S  F L U C T U A T I O N S
 NSTEP = 10000  TIME(PS) =   20.000  TEMP(K) =    84.57  PRESS =    866.68
 Etot   =   30772.4516  EKtot   =   13608.1065  EPtot      =   17955.8499
 BOND   =     379.4596  ANGLE   =     931.8914  DIHED      =     218.7334
 1-4 NB =      65.8161  1-4 EEL =      75.9793  VDWAALS    =    6442.9163
 EELEC  =   22474.1805  EHBOND  =       0.0000  CONSTRAINT =       0.0000
 EKCMT  =    8010.3208  VIRIAL  =   15321.4821  VOLUME     =   48192.5522
                                                Density    =       0.0525
 Ewald error estimate:   0.5561E-04
 NMR restraints on final step:
|         ELAPSED TIME = 294745.706     TOTAL TIME = 294745.706
   Nonbond Ewald pairlist time components:
|     map, save_t     =                   270.16  0.09
|     grid setup_t    =                     0.00  0.00
|     grid ucell_t    =                    59.92  0.02
|     grid image_t    =                   127.35  0.04
|     build list_t    =                 31449.68 10.67
|     total list_t    =                 31907.11 10.83
   Nonbond Ewald force time components:
|     zero ene,force  =                   184.13  0.06
|       map           =                     0.00  0.00
|     map,adjust      =                  1677.46  0.57
|     self energy     =                     0.20  0.00
|       1-dim b-spline=                  5131.35  1.74
|       grid charges  =                 15749.14  5.34
|       scalar sum    =                  8206.77  2.78
|       grad   sum    =                 19628.39  6.66
|       FFT           =                 16941.23  5.75
|     Recip force     =                 65656.89 22.28
|     Direct force    =                183124.89 62.13
|     adjust masked   =                  1245.00  0.42
|     accum  force    =                     0.39  0.00
|     finish virial   =                   890.89  0.30
|       mfct4         =                     0.20  0.00
|     f_wait          =                     0.25  0.00
|       stack_time    =                     0.77  0.00
|     total  force    =                252781.05 85.76
|     Routine         Sec       %
|     ----------------------------
|     Nonbond   285140.60   96.74
|     Bond         131.19    0.04
|     Angle        667.18    0.23
|     Dihedral    3240.40    1.10
|     Shake       1013.86    0.34
|     GBrad          0.00    0.00
|     Force          0.00    0.00
|     Other       4552.49    1.54
|     ----------------------------
|     Total     294745.71   81.87 Hours
|     Nonsetup  294630.81   99.96%
| Highest rstack allocated:    4430516
|           MAX_RSTACK =    5000000
| Highest istack allocated:      77998
|           MAX_ISTACK =     100000
|     Setup wallclock         134 seconds
|     Nonsetup wallclock   331257 seconds
          Amber 6  SANDER                   Scripps/UCSF 1999
|         Mon Dec 18 15:03:10 2000
  [-O]verwriting output
File Assignments:
|MDIN : /disk2/usr/people/ubjezier/tmp/dyn1_api_dimer_wat.inp                 
|MDOUT: /disk2/usr/people/ubjezier/tmp/dyn1_api_dimer_wat.out                 
|INPCR: /disk2/usr/people/ubjezier/SANDER/DIMER/RST/dyn0_api_dimer_wat.rst    
|PARM : /disk2/usr/people/ubjezier/SANDER/DIMER/minm_api_dimer_wat.top        
|RESTR: /disk2/usr/people/ubjezier/SANDER/DIMER/RST/dyn1_api_dimer_wat.rst    
|REFC : refc                                                                  
|MDVEL: /scratch/ubjezier/SANDER/DIMER/dyn1_api_dimer_wat.vel                 
|MDEN : /scratch/ubjezier/SANDER/DIMER/dyn1_api_dimer_wat.ene                 
|MDCRD: /scratch/ubjezier/SANDER/DIMER/dyn1_api_dimer_wat.xyz                 
|MDINF: mdinfo                                                                
 Here is the input file:
#  AMBER6 - Sander                                                             
#  test                                                                        
 timlim=999999., imin=0, nmropt=1,                                             
 ntx=1, irest=0,                                                               
 ntwx=50, ntwv=50, ntwe=50,                                                    
 ntf=2, ntb=2,                                                                 
 cut=12., nsnb=20, scnb=2.0, scee=1.2,                                         
 dt=0.002, nstlim=10000,                                                       
 ndfmin=6, ntcm=1,                                                             
 ntt=1, tautp=0.4, vlimit=10.,                                                 
 ntc=2, tol=0.0005,                                                            
 ntp=1, pres0=1.0, comp=44.6, taup=0.6,                                        
a=86., b=99., c=101.,                                                          
alpha=90., beta=90., gamma=90.,                                                
nfft1=90, nfft2=100, nfft3=100,                                                
order=5, ischrgd=0, verbose=3, ew_type=0,                                      
#  310 K                                                                       
 &wt type='TEMP0', istep1=    1, istep2=10000,                                 
 value1= 305.0, value2= 315.0, &end                                            
 &wt type='END'  &end                                                          
#  AMBER6 - Sander                                                              
   1.  RESOURCE   USE: 
 getting box info from bottom of parm
 getting new box info from bottom of inpcrd
| peek_ewald_inpcrd: Box info found
| Using the SGI specific (ZFFT3D) Fast Fourier Transform
     Largest sphere to fit in unit cell has radius =    43.000
     Calculating ew_coeff from dsum_tol,cutoff
     Box X =   86.000   Box Y =   99.000   Box Z =  101.000
     Alpha =   90.000   Beta =   90.000   Gamma =   90.000
     NFFT1 =   90       NFFT2 =  100       NFFT3 =  100
     Cutoff=   12.000   Tol   =0.100E-04
     Ewald Coefficient =  0.22664
     Interpolation order =    5
 NATOM  =   77998 NTYPES =      16 NBONH =   72038 MBONA  =    6086
 NTHETH =   13804 MTHETA =    8226 NPHIH =   24722 MPHIA  =   14500
 NHPARM =       0 NPARM  =       0 NNB   =  154598 NRES   =   22752
 NBONA  =    6086 NTHETA =    8226 NPHIA =   14500 NUMBND =      44
 NUMANG =      94 NPTRA  =      33 NATYP =      30 NPHB   =       1
 IFBOX  =       1 NMXRS  =      24 IFCAP =       0
|    Total heap storage needed        =        976
|    Adjacent nonbond minimum mask    =     154598
|    Max number of pointers           =         25
|    List build maxmask               =     309196
     Number of grids per unit cell in each dimension:
            19        22        23
     Unit cell edge lengths in each dimension:
        86.000    99.000   101.000
     Distance between parallel faces of unit cell:
        86.000    99.000   101.000
     Distance between faces of short range grid subcells:
         4.526     4.500     4.391
     Resulting cutoff from subcell neighborhoods is    13.174
|    Maximage  =     114120
|      Real memory needed by PME        =        976
|      Size of EEDTABLE                 =      20397
|      Real memory needed by EEDTABLE   =      81588
|      Integer memory needed by ADJ     =     309196
|      Integer memory used by local nonb=    2358346
|      Real memory used by local nonb   =    1278336
|    MAX NONBOND PAIRS =   40000000
|     Memory Use     Allocated         Used
|     Real             4500000      4403612
|     Hollerith         500000       490742
|     Integer          4500000      4246637
|     Max Nonbonded Pairs:40000000
     TIMLIM=  999999.   IREST =    0       IBELLY=    0
     IMIN  =    0
     IPOL  =    0
     NTX   =    1       NTXO  =    1
     IG    =    71277   TEMPI =     0.00   HEAT  =    0.000
     NTB   =    2       BOXX  =   86.000
     BOXY  =   99.000   BOXZ  =  101.000
     NTT   =    1       TEMP0 =  300.000
     DTEMP =    0.000   TAUTP =    0.400
     VLIMIT=   10.000
     NTP   =    1       PRES0 =    1.000   COMP  =   44.600
     TAUP  =    0.600   NPSCAL=    0
     NTCM  =    1       NSCM  = 9999999
     NSTLIM=10000       NTU   =    1
     T     =    0.000   DT    =   0.00200
     NTC   =    2       TOL   =   0.00050  JFASTW =    0
     NTF   =    2       NSNB  =   20
     CUT   =   12.000   SCNB  =    2.000
     SCEE  =    1.200   DIELC =    1.000
     NTPR  =      50    NTWR  =      50    NTWX  =      50
     NTWV  =      50    NTWE  =      50    IOUTFM=       0
     NTWPRT=       0    NTWPR0=       0    NTAVE=       0
     NTR   =    0       NTRX  =    1
     TAUR  =   0.00000     NMROPT=    1       PENCUT=   0.10000
     IVCAP =    0       MATCAP=    0       FCAP  =    1.500
     IFCAP =    0       NATCAP=    0       CUTCAP=    0.000
     XCAP  =    0.000   YCAP  =    0.000   ZCAP  =    0.000
     VRAND=    0
     NATOM =   77998  NRES =  22752
     Water definition for fast triangulated model:
     Resname = WAT ; Oxygen_name = O   ; Hyd1_name = H1  ; Hyd2_name = H2  
 begin time read from input coords =    20.000 ps
           Begin reading energy term weight changes/NMR restraints
 TEMP0         1  10000  305.000000  315.000000      0      0
  No valid redirection requests found
                          ** No restraint defined **
                  Done reading weight changes/NMR restraints
 Number of triangulated 3-point waters found:    22002
     Sum of charges from parm topology file =   3.99999966
     Forcing neutrality...
 using   5000.0 points per unit in tabled values
 TESTING RELATIVE ERROR over r ranging from 0.0 to cutoff
| CHECK switch(x): max rel err =   0.2088E-14   at   2.598900
| CHECK d/dx switch(x): max rel err =   0.7404E-11   at   2.716040
     Total number of mask terms =     131962
     Total number of mask terms =     263924
|    Total Ewald setup time =   0.39832306
     Number of grids per unit cell in each dimension:
            19        22        23
     Unit cell edge lengths in each dimension:
        86.000    99.000   101.000
     Distance between parallel faces of unit cell:
        86.000    99.000   101.000
     Distance between faces of short range grid subcells:
         4.526     4.500     4.391
     Resulting cutoff from subcell neighborhoods is    13.174
 listtot =     32954236
 NET FORCE PER ATOM:    0.1557E-07   0.1994E-06   0.3748E-07
     Evdw                   = ********************
     Ehbond                 =       0.000000000000
     Ecoulomb               = -284831.768854982570
     E polarization         =       0.000000000000
     Iso virial             = ********************
     Eevir vs. Ecoulomb     =       0.000033574475
     E electrostatic (self) = ********************
                     (rec)  =    1158.665097299469
                     (dir)  = -237313.604831216890
                     (adj)  =  982379.728813647870
     MOLECULAR VIRIAL:  -.40483186E+13 -.43024895E+13 0.18530676E+13
     MOLECULAR VIRIAL:  -.51988030E+13 -.84055000E+13 0.45371267E+13
     MOLECULAR VIRIAL:  0.19878506E+13 0.54599166E+13 -.35002724E+13
     Reciprocal VIRIAL:  0.91947519E+03 -.22768708E+02 0.12595893E+02
     Reciprocal VIRIAL:  -.22768708E+02 0.88168723E+03 0.27215626E+02
     Reciprocal VIRIAL:  0.12595893E+02 0.27215626E+02 0.91084839E+03
     Direct VIRIAL:  -.36891153E+13 -.49552687E+13 0.20832023E+13
     Direct VIRIAL:  -.49552687E+13 -.90665996E+13 0.55269516E+13
     Direct VIRIAL:  0.20832023E+13 0.55269516E+13 -.44790569E+13
     Dir Sum EE vir trace: 0.28718805E+06
     Adjust VIRIAL:  -.15848377E+04 0.46048938E+01 -.46608917E+01
     Adjust VIRIAL:  0.46048938E+01 -.19356951E+04 -.35057197E+03
     Adjust VIRIAL:  -.46608917E+01 -.35057197E+03 -.15573200E+04
     Recip Disp. VIRIAL:  0.14223011E+04 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
     Recip Disp. VIRIAL:  0.00000000E+00 0.14223011E+04 0.00000000E+00
     Recip Disp. VIRIAL:  0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.14223011E+04
     Self VIRIAL:  0.59405747E-25 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
     Self VIRIAL:  0.00000000E+00 0.59405747E-25 0.00000000E+00
     Self VIRIAL:  0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.59405747E-25
     Atomic VIRIAL:  -.36891153E+13 -.49552687E+13 0.20832023E+13
     Atomic VIRIAL:  -.49552687E+13 -.90665996E+13 0.55269516E+13
     Atomic VIRIAL:  0.20832023E+13 0.55269516E+13 -.44790569E+13
 NSTEP =     0  TIME(PS) =   20.000  TEMP(K) =     0.00  PRESS =**********
 Etot   = ************  EKtot   =       0.0000  EPtot      = ************
 BOND   =    1696.8673  ANGLE   =    5289.8136  DIHED      =    4788.3597
 1-4 NB =    2725.5275  1-4 EEL =   38059.6550  VDWAALS    = ************
 EELEC  = -284831.7689  EHBOND  =       0.0000  CONSTRAINT =       0.0000
 EKCMT  =       0.0000  VIRIAL  = ************  VOLUME     =  859914.0000
                                                Density    =       0.9286
 Ewald error estimate:   0.3357E-04
                      NMR restraints for step      0
 Energy (this step): Bond =    0.000   Angle =     0.000   Torsion =     0.000
 Energy (tot. run) : Bond =    0.000   Angle =     0.000   Torsion =     0.000
 DEVIATIONS:    Target=(r2+r3)/2                 Target = closer of r2/r3
            This step         Entire run        This step        Entire run
           ave.    rms       ave.    rms       ave.    rms      ave.     rms
 Bond      0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000
 Angle     0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000
 Torsion   0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000     0.000   0.000
 NET FORCE PER ATOM:    0.1557E-07   0.1994E-06   0.3748E-07
     Evdw                   = ********************
     Ehbond                 =       0.000000000000
     Ecoulomb               = -284831.768854982570
     E polarization         =       0.000000000000
     Iso virial             = ********************
     Eevir vs. Ecoulomb     =       0.000033574475
     E electrostatic (self) = ********************
                     (rec)  =    1158.665097299469
                     (dir)  = -237313.604831216890
                     (adj)  =  982379.728813647870
     MOLECULAR VIRIAL:  -.40483186E+13 -.43024895E+13 0.18530676E+13
     MOLECULAR VIRIAL:  -.51988030E+13 -.84055000E+13 0.45371267E+13
     MOLECULAR VIRIAL:  0.19878506E+13 0.54599166E+13 -.35002724E+13
     Reciprocal VIRIAL:  0.91947519E+03 -.22768708E+02 0.12595893E+02
     Reciprocal VIRIAL:  -.22768708E+02 0.88168723E+03 0.27215626E+02
     Reciprocal VIRIAL:  0.12595893E+02 0.27215626E+02 0.91084839E+03
     Direct VIRIAL:  -.36891153E+13 -.49552687E+13 0.20832023E+13
     Direct VIRIAL:  -.49552687E+13 -.90665996E+13 0.55269516E+13
     Direct VIRIAL:  0.20832023E+13 0.55269516E+13 -.44790569E+13
     Dir Sum EE vir trace: 0.28718805E+06
     Adjust VIRIAL:  -.15848377E+04 0.46048938E+01 -.46608917E+01
     Adjust VIRIAL:  0.46048938E+01 -.19356951E+04 -.35057197E+03
     Adjust VIRIAL:  -.46608917E+01 -.35057197E+03 -.15573200E+04
     Recip Disp. VIRIAL:  0.14223011E+04 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
     Recip Disp. VIRIAL:  0.00000000E+00 0.14223011E+04 0.00000000E+00
     Recip Disp. VIRIAL:  0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.14223011E+04
     Self VIRIAL:  0.59405747E-25 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
     Self VIRIAL:  0.00000000E+00 0.59405747E-25 0.00000000E+00
     Self VIRIAL:  0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.59405747E-25
     Atomic VIRIAL:  -.36891153E+13 -.49552687E+13 0.20832023E+13
     Atomic VIRIAL:  -.49552687E+13 -.90665996E+13 0.55269516E+13
     Atomic VIRIAL:  0.20832023E+13 0.55269516E+13 -.44790569E+13
 vlimit exceeded for step            0; vmax =    69638362427.85799    
     Number of grids per unit cell in each dimension:
           793       913       931
     Unit cell edge lengths in each dimension:
      3437.756  3957.416  4037.364
     Distance between parallel faces of unit cell:
      3437.756  3957.416  4037.364
     Distance between faces of short range grid subcells:
         4.335     4.335     4.337
     Resulting cutoff from subcell neighborhoods is    13.004
 EWALD BOMB in subroutine ewald_list
  volume of ucell too big!!
 a regular restart should fix things
Received on Mon Dec 18 2000 - 07:53:12 PST
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