automatic/semi-automatic type assignments

From: Thomas C. Bishop <>
Date: Sat 30 Sep 2000 16:37:29 -0500

Dear amber users,

Is there a tool or set of tools that makes automatic or semi-automatic type assignments for organic compounds? Xleap only has a spreadsheet for editing these properties, right?

More specifically I have a collection of organic compounds in pdb format that I would like to simulate using Amber and I need to create a lib for each one.

Thomas C. Bishop, PhD.
Center for Bioenvironmental Research
Tulane University Office
Dept. of Environmental Health Sciences(SL-29)
School of Public Health & Trop. Medicine
1430 Tulane Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: 504-988-6203 Fax: 504-585-6428
Xavier University Office
Division of Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences
College of Pharmacy
7325 Palmetto Street
New Orleans, LA 70125
Phone: 504-485-5106 Fax: 504-485-7930
Received on Sat Sep 30 2000 - 14:37:29 PDT
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