
From: jim caldwell <>
Date: Fri 15 Sep 2000 14:27:16 -0700 (PDT)


I've determined (with the help of Compaq) that it is NOT
safe to use the -O5 flag for compiling Amber6 in a Tru64 5.x
environment (it works under 4.OD/F) for MPI use on 21264 procesors
(the current ES40 in particular).

The Machine.axp_f90_mpi file doesn't use O5 but just in case you're
desperate to squeeze a bit more speed out of the code -O5 is not the
way to go.


James W. Caldwell (voice) 415-476-8603
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry (fax) 415-502-1411
Mail Stop 0446 (email)
513 Parnassus Avenue
University of California
San Francisco, CA 94143-0446
Received on Fri Sep 15 2000 - 14:27:16 PDT
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