Call for Papers - ACS Symposium: "Artificial Intelligence in Computational Chemistry"

From: Curt M. Breneman <>
Date: Fri 15 Sep 2000 13:23:31 -0400


This is a reminder that a symposium is being organized on the topic of
"Artificial Intelligence in Computational Chemistry" for the 221st ACS
National Meeting in San Diego, CA in the Spring of 2001.

You are encouraged to submit papers in this broad topic area - Chemical
uses of GA, ANN, LVQ, SOM, SVM and other AI methods for VHTS, ADME,
spectral analysis, QSAR/QSPR ...etc are all welcomed.

Please note the Oasys deadline of 11/13.

Curt Breneman
RPI Chemistry
Received on Fri Sep 15 2000 - 10:23:31 PDT
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