density decreases

From: Michal Otyepka <>
Date: Mon 19 Jun 2000 10:30:32 +0200 (DFT)

Dear AMBER users,

        I perform the simulation of 300res. protein in TIP3 water. The
density of the system under NPT conditions during production decreases
very slowly but constantly (start .99 after 50ps .89). Could somebody tell
me why?

        Thanks in advance,

        Sander 5, patch level 24
        PBC, PME, SHAKE ALL, NTT = 5, cut = 9.0
        tot. charge of the system = 0
        output file included as attch.
        first 0ps minimizations etc.
        next 10ps was slow heating
        next 40ps was NPT equilibration

| Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry |
| Palacky University |
| tr. Svobody 26, 771 46 Olomouc, Czech Republic |
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|ph. +420 68 5222451 (+396) fax +420 68 522 5737|
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Attachment Converted: "c:\eudora\attach\all_letter"
Received on Mon Jun 19 2000 - 01:30:32 PDT
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