hello Xavier,
I'm not an expert on parallel computation (neither in amber), but i
think i can give you some tips.
first i think you could take a look at
where you can find some usefull information about performances
and some tests to run.
> So our questions are:
> 1) Do people usually use PVM or MPI?
i use mpi, but i'm not doing MM nor MD!! ;)
> 2) Using MPI, what are the usual scaling rates, going from 1 to 2 nodes?
this depends a lot on the system you're studing - the number of
atoms (flow of information), the ratio processor_speed/transmition_speed,
> 5) Any suggestions ???
what kind of net are you using? 10mbps or 100mbps?
Received on Tue Jun 13 2000 - 11:25:19 PDT