Compilation of parallel sander on Origin 2000

From: mariang98 <>
Date: Thu 20 Apr 2000 14:20:12 -0400

I tried re-compiling parallel sander on an SGI Origin 2000 earlier today.
The machine OS and compilers have recently been upgraded. The
compilation was unsuccessful. Here are the last few lines of standard
output (after doing: cd sander; make clean; make install):

ld: FATAL 12: Expecting o32
objects: $AMBERHOME/src/Machines/sgi/sys.a(sys.o) is n32
*** Error code 1 (bu21)


Could this be related to an incompatibility with
the new OS and compilers? I don't recall seeing this before.

Thanks for any help,

Marios Philippopoulos
Received on Thu Apr 20 2000 - 11:20:12 PDT
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