I don't understand the function (and the first value of the output format:
bin_center) of the keyword NORM (DISTRIBUTION) of the CARNAL module.
Have you got larger definition?
Thanks in advance.
Pascal Bonnet pascal_at_qorws1.uab.es
Unitat Quimica Organica and Institut de Chimie Organique et Analytique
Facultat de Ciences UFR Sciences - UPRES-A 6005
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Rue de Chartres - BP 6759
08193 Bellaterra (SPAIN) 45067 ORLEANS CEDEX 2 - France
Tel: 34935811266 Tel: 0238494577
Fax: 34935811265
Received on Mon Mar 20 2000 - 11:48:48 PST