problem of compilation of roar-cp

From: mao xiang <>
Date: Thu 24 Feb 2000 17:47:34 +0800

Dear Sir:
    I got the Amber6 from UCSF, and when I wanted to compile roar-cp, I
met the
error like the following:
Error on line 232 of lbfgs.F: syntax error
Error on line 322 of lbfgs.F: syntax error
Error on line 323 of lbfgs.F: syntax error
Error on line 327 of lbfgs.F: syntax error
Error on line 329 of lbfgs.F: syntax error
Error on line 330 of lbfgs.F: syntax error
Error on line 348 of lbfgs.F: syntax error
Error on line 349 of lbfgs.F: syntax error
Error on line 433 of lbfgs.F: missing statement number 1
and did not get roar-cp, but I can compile to get the excutable roar. My
machine O2 from SGI, and the OS is irix6.3, I wish you can help me with

Thank you.

mao xiang

| Mao Xiang |
| Lab of Molecular Regulation for Microbial Secondary Metabolism |
| Shanghai institute of Plant Physiology, Academia Sinica |
| 300 Fenglin Road, Shanghai, China, 200032 |
| Tel: +86-21-64042090-4791 |
| Fax: +86-21-64042385 |
Received on Thu Feb 24 2000 - 01:47:34 PST
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