Dear Amber users,
Just to recap the responses regarding the questions I had about generating
Quicktime movies from MOIL-View
1)The first issue was the unsuccessful call of dmconvert from the 'make_qt'
script. This was solved easily by using the borne shell (sh) to run the
script. Add #!/bin/sh to the top of the script and everything runs fine.
NOTE. You need to either specify the path to mlv2rgb in the script or as an
alias in the sh profile or your .profile.
2)The second issue was a problem playing the Quicklime movie after it was FTPed
to a PC. This was solved by simply manually setting the mode to 'binary' as
opposed to allowing the FTP application choose a mode by default. Although the
default mode is typically the 'binary' mode the data was somehow corrupted.
Craig Marhefka
Received on Wed Feb 23 2000 - 10:22:42 PST