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From: Jithesh P.V <jithesh_at_cdac.ernet.in>
Date: Sat 5 Feb 2000 10:23:12 +0530 (IST)


I was trying to run md equilibration with belly option (PBC, constant
pressure)on a triplex DNA and the atoms started escaping. Earlier i did a
belly minimisation for 1000 steps (SD). The restart file, when converted
to pdb and viewed also showed signs of water molecules trying to fly
away from the box. please help me out to solve this problem.

Thanks in advance!

Here is the input file:

Triplex, initial dynamics w/ belly on DNA, model1, 9.0 cut

  timlim = 999999., nmrmax = 1,
  ntx = 1, irest = 0, ntrx = 1, ntxo = 1,
  ntpr = 10, ntwx = 500, ntwv = 0, ntwe = 0,
  ntwxm = 999999, ntwvm = 999999, ntwem = 999999, ioutfm = 0,
  ntwprt = 0,

  ntf = 2, ntb = 2, idiel = 1, dielc = 1.0,
  cut = 9.0, ntnb = 1, nsnb = 10, ntid = 0,
  scnb = 2.0, scee = 1.2, cut2nd = 0.0, ichdna = 0,

  ibelly = 1, ntr = 0,

  nrun = 1,
  nstlim = 12500,
  ndfmin = 0, ntcm = 0, nscm = 0,
  init = 3, t = 0.0, dt = 0.002,

  temp0 = 300.0, tempi = 100.0,
  ig = 71277, heat = 0.0,
  ntt = 1, isolvp = 0, dtemp = 0.0,
  tautp = 0.2, tauts = 0.2,
  vlimit = 20.0,

  tauv0 = 0.0, tauv = 0.1, vzero = 0.0,

  ntp = 1, pres0 = 1.0, comp = 44.6,
  taup = 0.2, npscal = 1,

  ntc = 2, tol = 0.0005,

  imgslt = 0, iftres = 1,
  jfastw = 0,

   type='TEMP0', istep1=0, istep2=500,
                 value1=100.0, value2=300.0,
   type='TEMP0', istep1=500, istep2=12500,
                 value1=300.0, value2=300.0,
Allowing only the water and counterions to move in the belly
RES 43 3424

a part of the output:

  KE Trans = 0.2675 KE Rot = 0.4721 C.O.M. Vel = 0.002689
 NB-update: NPAIRS = 1731423 HBPAIR = 554480

 NSTEP = 0 TIME(PS) = 0.000 TEMP(K) = 149.11 PRESS
 Etot = -50544.5142 EKtot = 2988.9982 EPtot = -53533.5124
 BOND = 0.0000 ANGLE = 0.0000 DIHED = 0.0000
 1-4 NB = 0.0000 1-4 EEL = 0.0000 VDWAALS = 8134.9307
 EELEC = -61668.4431 EHBOND = 0.0000 CONSTRAINT = 0.0000
 EKCMT = nan0xFFFFFFF VIRIAL = nan0xFFFFFFF VOLUME = 135693.6659
                                                Density = 0.9054


                        NMR restraints for step 0
 Energy (this step): Bond = 0.000 Angle = 0.000 Torsion = 0.000

 Energy (tot. run) : Bond = 0.000 Angle = 0.000 Torsion = 0.000

 DEVIATIONS: Target=(r2+r3)/2 Target = closer of r2/r3
          This step Entire run This step Entire run
         ave. rms ave. rms ave. rms ave. rms
 Bond 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
 Angle 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
 Torsion0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
 %SANDER-W-ESCAPE, atom # 0 has escaped
 %SANDER-W-ESCAPE, atom # 0 has escaped
 %SANDER-W-ESCAPE, atom # 1 has escaped
 %SANDER-W-ESCAPE, atom # 1641 has escaped
 %SANDER-W-ESCAPE, atom # 1641 has escaped
 %SANDER-W-ESCAPE, atom # 1642 has escaped
 %SANDER-W-ESCAPE, atom # 1642 has escaped
 %SANDER-W-ESCAPE, atom # 1642 has escaped
 %SANDER-W-ESCAPE, atom # 1643 has escaped
 %SANDER-W-ESCAPE, atom # 1643 has escaped
 %SANDER-W-ESCAPE, atom # 1643 has escaped


Jithesh P.V.
Received on Fri Feb 04 2000 - 20:53:12 PST
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