RE: RESP question

From: Bayly, Chris <>
Date: Fri 28 Jan 2000 15:52:40 -0500

Because the nitro and trifluoromethyl groups are polar, they should be
equivalenced at the first stage. Doing so at the second stage would cause a
marked deterioration in the quality of the fit around the important polar
areas of these groups.

Second stage equivalencing is only for atoms describing non-polar areas of
the electrostatic potential.


Christopher Bayly, Ph.D.
Research Fellow
Merck Frosst Canada & Co., 16711 Trans-Canada Hwy, Kirkland, Quebec, H9H 3L1
Tel. (514) 428-3403; Fax (514) 428-4900; e-mail

> ----------
> Sent: Friday, January 28, 2000 3:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: RESP question
> Sensitivity: Confidential
> Dear amber users,
> I have a question regarding RESP fitting of a small molecule in which
> heavy
> atoms are to have equivalent charges. I have two examples of this in one
> molecule, e.g. a nitro group in which the oxygens are to be equivalent and
> a
> trifluoromethyl group where the fluorines are to be equivalent.
> My question is at which stage of a two stage fitting should these atoms be
> made
> equivalent?
> Thanks for the input
> Craig Marhefka
> Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
> The University of Tennessee Memphis
> 901-448-7530
Received on Fri Jan 28 2000 - 12:52:40 PST
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