DNA bending

From: Anton Guliaev <anton_at_sgi1.lbl.gov>
Date: Mon 24 Jan 2000 16:52:28 -0800 (PST)

Dear Amber Users -- my question is not directly related to the
Amber, but I still hope that somebody might give me an advice
on what is the best way to measure the DNA bending (or curvature).
We are using CURVES (with DIALS and WINDOWS) and it is not clear if overall
DNA bending can be extracted from the axis-junction parameters provided by CURVES
(AXD, AYD, AIN and ATP).

Thanks a lot,

        * Anton B. Guliaev, Ph.D *
      _ * Life Science Division * _
     / )* LBNL, Berkeley CA 94720 *( \
    / / * abguliaev_at_lbl.gov * \ \
  _( (_ * T: 510-486-5773 F:(510)-486-6488 * ) )_
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Received on Mon Jan 24 2000 - 16:52:28 PST
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