I'm using the nmode utility in amber5. I recompiled it after I
changed the parameters MAXMEMX, MAXMEMI, and naxdup in
amber5/src/nmode/sizes.h and I redimensioned the scr arrays
in amber5/src/nmode/forces.f
When I try the calculation, I now get
Number of non-bonded pairs = 510002
Number of H-bonded pairs = 0
Insufficient memory to hold
nonbonded pair list
Memory available for list = 1637
***** ERROR STOP *****
Does anyone have any suggestions on what I need to do?
Scott E. Boesch
102 Chemistry Building Voice: (405)-325-3502
Department of Chemistry Fax: (405)-325-6111
The University of Oklahoma Email: scott_at_osric.chem.ou.edu
Norman, Oklahoma 73019 sboesch_at_chemdept.chem.ou.edu
Received on Tue Dec 14 1999 - 05:28:20 PST